What 2020 did to me because of the corona pandemic

Leestijd: 2 minuten

2020 was a hell of a ride!

It started out normal untill a lot of people started to fall ill..

At March 15, my catering job and my other job had to close until the end of April in an attempt to get the virus under control.


With not much to do I then started cycling a lot on my normal bicycle and baking. During that period I got my first severe throat infection and a fever of 39.6 degrees. I then went to the GP clinic with mom and was then sent to the first corona clinic. But luckily had no corona. A week after, I got a throat virus, which was on a lower spot in my throat than the other throat infection

On May 11, I wrote a blog about what the lockdown did to me and how no physical contact with people changed my life badly. See my family much less or not at all. No hug, no pat on the shoulder, a handshake or even a brief touch. That blog led me to being interviewed by NH Nieuws and Noord Hollands dagblad. Check here the interview from NH Nieuws.

On May 13th, I got an e-bike from my parents as a birthday gift. I was over the moon because the e-bike provided me the opportunity to visit friends and family who lived further away with the need for public transport! My sister was the only one of my brothers and sisters why came to my birthday. She was wearing an unicorn onesie, gloves and a mouth mask so she could give me the first hug I had in months!


I celebrated Sinterklaas (dutch santa claus holiday) one part with my sister and her boyfriend and their children and another weekend with my parents.

This year I only celebrated Christmas with my parents. The rest could not join us. I missed the chaos and the fun that comes with having all 16🤪! Of us together but… there is christmas every year🎄.



Despite all that this year brought me in restrictions and carefulness, I still had tons of fun and even developed some very special friendships. I went through this year like I always do: full of optimism and looking towards the future☺️.

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Foto van Marlyn Roelen

Marlyn Roelen

Ik ben Marlyn, de oprichter van The Handi’s.
Op deze website neem ik je mee in mijn wereld vol avonturen, uitdagingen en persoonlijke inzichten.
Mijn doel is om een gemeenschap te creëren waar we elkaar inspireren en ondersteunen. Hier deel ik openhartig over mijn leven met een handicap, de obstakels die ik tegenkom en hoe ik die aanpak.
Maar het gaat ook over de mooie momenten, de lessen die ik leer en de vreugde die ik ervaar.

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